Exceptional talent,
locally grown.

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Jerry Spehr

Jerry Spehr Glass (228) 218-6430hotglassbyjerry@gmail.comNew Orleans, LAVisit the Artist’s WebsiteJerry Spehr is a glass blower living in New Orleans. He has blown glass for 5 years, and is best known…

Jaime Faulkner

Jaime Faulkner Jewelry, Metal (601) 214-5692letitbeyoursjewelry@gmail.comBrandon, MSVisit the Artist’s WebsiteVisit the Artist’s Facebook PageVisit the Artist’s Instagram PageThe world for me was always about patterns and colors, not just shapes…

Suzanne and Angelique Juneau

Suzanne and Angelique Juneau Jewelry, Metal (337) 254-0205Suzanne: s@psjuneau.comAngelique: juneaaa@gmail.comScott, LAVisit the Artist’s WebsiteVisit the Artist’s Facebook PageVisit the Artist’s Instagram PageAs a mother – daughter artist team, we each…

Nicole Ockmond

Nicole Ockmond Painting nicole@nicoleockmond.com(504) 473-1385New Orleans, LAVisit the Artist’s WebsiteVisit the Artist’s InstagramVisit the Artist’s Facebook PageI find human darkness, light, intensity, shadow, shade, shape and hue endlessly fascinating. Whether…

Dana Manly

Dana Manly Mixed Media, Painting (337) 344-4769danamanly@gmail.comGretna, LAVisit the Artist’s WebsiteVisit the Artist’s Facebook PageVisit the Artist’s Instagram PageMy paintings reflect… the rich and varied texture of Southern Louisiana with…

Tommy Myers

Tommy Myers Mixed Media Birds of Pray (337) 580-5486tomloumyers@bellsouth.netEunice, LATommy was born 1941 and raised in Eunice, Louisiana, went to Eunice High School and graduated from USL in Lafayette, Louisiana…

Jerilyn Guidry LaVergne

Jerilyn Guidry LaVergne Glass (337) 662-5409lavergnejerilyn48@gmail.comSunset, LAI am a fused glass artist inspired by my need to record my life’s experiences by creating art from the whimsical to the soulful.…

Josey’s Goods

Josey’s Goods Canned Goods joseysgoodsllc@gmail.com (337) 873-0280 Duson, LAVisit the Artist’s FacebookVisit the Artist’s InstagramJosey’s Goods, LLC was founded in August of 2017. Gene and Lisa Josey are the owners.…

Christy Barrett

Christy Barrett Metal, Jewelry (225) 252-1584christybarrett@email.comBaton Rouge, LAVisit the Artist’s WebsiteVisit the Artist’s Facebook PageVisit the Artist’s Instagram PageUsing a variety of tools and methods, I create textured, mixed metal…

Mike Bonin

Mike Bonin Wood (337) 519-1504mikebonin111@gmail.comNew Iberia, LAVisit the Artist’s WebsiteVisit the Artist’s Facebook PageAs a woodworker, my goal is to create functional, aesthetically pleasing items that can be used in…