Patricia Barker

New Orleans, LA

I can’t remember a time when I did not paint something and went to college as an art major back in the 40’s. Mostly I painted in oils, but I always had a fascination with porcelain painting because I had two aunts who did this. I loved their work and still keep a piece by one of my aunt on the top of my chest of drawers in my bedroom because it serves as inspiration. I finally had the opportunity, rather late in life, to learn to paint on porcelain and loved it. That’s all I have been doing since.

There aren’t many porcelain artists left; it is a dying art. I hear this all the time, too, when I am selling my work; however, my goal is to keep this art form as alive as I can. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to settle into my studio, look at a black piece of Limoges, pick up a brush, and let my imagination take form.